Boost your organic Amazon SEO with this quick trick

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

If you already have a list of keywords for your Amazon product page (if you don't, give us a shout at, a simple thing you could do to boost the organic SEO without breaking the bank at all, is using them in your Q&A section and when replying to Reviews.

Every question asked is a chance to build your organic SEO. How many have you executed?

Amazon Keywords and Amazon SEO

Recent statistics show that when it comes to purchases, Amazon leads the way as the go-to search engine with no less than 56% of online shoppers heading straight to their website instead of Google and searching for whatever they need to buy. That's because online shoppers have already made up their minds about their purpose: buying (from Amazon), while Google is used for general inquiries.

When on, people type specific keywords and phrases which sometimes differ from Google keywords. Therefore, sellers need to know that they (or whoever is doing the SEO research for them) NEED to focus on Amazon keywords if they really want to take their Amazon sales to the next "salesforce" level.

Why is the Q&A Section important on Amazon?

Most Amazon FBA sellers only focus on the main "hot shot" sections: Title, Features, Product Description but for organic SEO, every Amazon page section matters.

QUICK CHECK: Does it have words in it? if the answer is YES, then there's another SEO opportunity for you. And that's the case with the hugely overlooked Amazon Product Page Questions & Answers Section.

SEO aside, answering questions from your customers is always an excellent way of social proofing your products, giving your brand a voice and a big step towards consolidating your reputation. Direct interaction with your clients shows them you can be trusted. How you respond to their curiosities also proves if you do genuinely care about their needs.

For sellers - it's a free method of getting a straightforward insight into what they need and what you failed to communicate so far about what you're offering. It's a fantastic marketing tool, too! Unlike reviews which are mostly unilateral - few FBA sellers reply to reviews -, the Q&A Section implies a direct interaction between sellers and buyers. Of course, you can use both to increase your organic SEO, why not?

How to perform Amazon Keyword Optimisation for the Q&A section?

Whenever a customer asks a question, respond by using one of the most profitable long-tail keywords. Some long keyword phrases sound unnatural ("360 magnetic phone mount" or "universal rotatable car phone clip holder", BUT if your answer makes complete sense and is "human" enough, you will get away with it, satisfying people's curiosity AND getting that overwhelmingly long keyword onto your product page (ready to be picked up by search engines like Amazon and Google).

Long-tail keywords have massive advantages, such as:
👍 they bring substantial traffic, they’re less competitive

👍 they’re a good supply of better-targeted traffic – therefore they lead to higher conversion rates;

👍 they’re life-savers for highly-competitive niches

👍 for the SEO side, they’re a treat since they already include the main keywords.

47 questions asked about this product = 47 opportunities to include popular keywords in the conversation, for SEO's sake.

Amazon Keyword Optimisation for the AMAZON Reviews section

Sellers can respond to customer reviews on Amazon and while they're at it, it's very wise to casually drop at least one long-tail keyword phrase, without leaving a negative impact on customer's experience. That's why we recommend to keep it as natural and less "keywordy" as possible. So, please remember to:

  • be polite and courteous no matter what - even if it's a negative review, remember you're replying as a brand owner or representative.

  • be personal - avoid boilerplate replies and address their exact concerns.

  • make it sincere yet professional - make suggestions, help them understand how to solve their issue.

Future customers might read this and your responses could stop or encourage a sale, so do your best.

Amazon Backend Keywords Guidelines

When using keywords in your Reviews or Q&A Section, it's useful to know the general Amazon "etiquette" about SEO.


  • don't use brand names (your own or your competitors') or model names

  • don't insert product numbers, internal codes, product identifiers, UPC codes, or ASINs

  • steer clear of temporary adjectives: "now available," "new"

  • don't use subjective claims such a "best", "amazing", "coolest"

  • don't include common misspellings related to your product because Amazon is already programmed to offer corrective suggestions during the search process

  • don't duplicate key phrases you’ve already used in your product title, bullets, or product description (duplication won't "reinforce" Amazon organic ranking as many sellers wrongfully think)

  • avoid irrelevant, misleading, or out-of-context key phrases.

The secret to Organic Amazon ranking

Getting your products "organically"ranked for profitable keywords on Amazon takes time, and sometimes money. That's why pursuing any opportunity you get to use them will save you big bucks. Many prefer to force them in the popular sections without realizing they put customers off. By smoothly plugging them in when you reply to reviews or answer questions, you release the SEO pressure from the main sections and help your product page read more natural and more appealing while pleasing the search algorithms as well. Listings will convert like crazy and you'll definitely stand out from the competition.

Here's an example

Let's assume you're selling a "cider supplement" and one of your long key phrases is "apple cider vinegar dietary supplement". When a customer asks:
Question: "Does this contain gluten or dairy?"

You Answer: "There's no gluten or dairy in our apple cider vinegar dietary supplement."

See what we did there?

That's it for now. For any questions, use responsibly :) In case you're too busy to do the Amazon SEO keyword research by yourself, you can always hire us. Read more details about our service here:

Happy converting & selling!

With cheerful gratitude,
Your happy Amazon optimizers at Seozon Prime